II. Communication and Access to Information Policy
Transparency recommends
- To be open and prompt in the communication with journalists looking for information about the company because they have a right to be interested in administration of public property and the spending of public finances or state subsidies.
- Proactively give contact details on the website for submitting information requests, as well as a primary contact for communicating with the public, for example a form for wishes and complaints.
- All of the mandatorily published contracts (those that have to be published in order to become valid) should be available in tabular and clear form. It should be also easy to search among contracts and to search specific information within every contract.
- Disclose in full as many contracts that relate to the company’s activities as stated in the companies’ registry as possible.
- Information regarding invoices and orders disclose in such a manner, as to make it possible to search and sort it according to second party, date and sums.
- Source: World Bank, OECD, TIS

Companies | Rating | |
Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska | 100% | |
Exportno-importná banka Slovenskej republiky | 100% | |
Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, štátny podnik | 100% | |
Slovnaft, akciová spoločnosť | 89% | |
BBC | 89% | |
Hydromeliorácie, štátny podnik | 89% | |
Itella Corporation | 82% | |
Transport of London | 82% | |
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s. | 82% | |
Železnice Slovenskej republiky | 78% |