III. Public Procurement Policy

Transparency recommends

  • Use of open public contests in the public procurement processes. When buying standardized goods, e-auctions should be used unless the nature of the subject of buy does not allow for it.
  • Publish procurement details and documents on the website immediately after publishing the procurement call and for an unlimited period of time. Publish all information regarding offers in such a way, as to make possible to subsequently connect these with contracts, orders and invoices.
  • Use e-auctions regularly when selling or renting the company's property.
  • Publish on the website plans for the sale and rent of property, the offer itself, as well as minutes from the selection committee for the sale of property. Open the selection committees to the public when selling or renting more valuable property.
  • Source: World Bank, OECD, TIS
III. Public Procurement Policy
Companies Rating
Turčianska vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. 100%
Verejné prístavy, a. s. 100%
Tepláreň Košice, a.s. 95%
Vojenské lesy a majetky SR - štátny podnik 86%
Letisko M.R.Štefánika - Airport Bratislava, a.s. 86%
Automobilové opravovne Ministerstva vnútra Slovenskej republiky, a. s. 82%
Západoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. 82%
Vodohospodárska výstavba, štátny podnik 82%
Agrokomplex - Výstavníctvo Nitra, štátny podnik 82%
Hydromeliorácie, štátny podnik 80%