I. Economic Indicators
Transparency recommends
- Establish an online registry of financial or non-financial indicators of the efficiency of the companies. The most important of the financial indicators would be: turnover, economic results, return on investment, amount of state subsidies. Non-financial indicators would be: number of employees, volume of goods, range of services, or number of clients. One part of it would also concern the salaries and other remuneration of managers, board members, and the average salaries of the employees. The database should be updated quarterly.
- Require the companies to draw up annual action plans including particular indicators that should be reached by the end of the year. The companies would have to evaluate the fulfillment of the plan in their annual reports and explain why the criteria in the plan were/were not met.
- Prepare a document containing risk management strategies detailing what risks could the company face in its sector and the possible solutions.
- Regularly check procedures in the company through an internal and external audit, periodicity depending on the size and available funds of the company.
- Source: World Bank, OECD, TIS

Companies | Rating | |
Lesy Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik | 81% | |
Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, akciová spoločnosť | 81% | |
Východoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. | 80% | |
Transpetrol, a.s. | 79% | |
Plemenárske služby Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik | 79% | |
Letisko M.R.Štefánika - Airport Bratislava, a.s. | 79% | |
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s. | 79% | |
Mestské lesy Košice a.s. | 79% | |
Exportno-importná banka Slovenskej republiky | 75% | |
Trnavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. | 74% |