VI. Grants and Charity Policy

Transparency recommends

  • To introduce compulsory publishing of the grants and donations that were provided by the company, including the assignation of the percentage of the company's income tax (which can be donated to NGO's, foundations, churches or similar organizations). Published information should include the name of the subject receiving the donation or grant, donated amount, and the purpose of donation.
  • The companies should also publish their Grants and Charity policy on their websites so the donation applicants knew the grant schemes used by the company.
VI. Grants and Charity Policy
Companies Rating
Tipos, národná lotériová spoločnosť, a. s. 60%
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s. 60%
KSP, s.r.o. 60%
Službyt Nitra, s.r.o. 60%
Správa majetku mesta Košice, s.r.o. 60%
Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik 60%
Tepláreň Košice, a.s. 60%
Bytový podnik mesta Košice, s.r.o. 60%
Odvoz a likvidácia odpadu a.s. 20%
Exportno-importná banka Slovenskej republiky 20%